Welcome To My Blog
September 30, 2006
Welcome to my new blog! I will have to get used to remembering that I have to keep this updated so bear with me. It is my goal to add something new at least once a week. I have been asked to start one as a number of my Famous Dave's fans have been interested in my passion for great tasting food and any new recipes that I might be working on. I also am excited about this blog stuff because it will also allow me to share things that I have learned in my life that have made a difference in living a more rewarding lifestyle even though this world we live in can sometimes be fast changing, confusing, and maddening. What I have found out the hard way is that all the difficult challenges that I didn't quit on and stayed the course...only made me a wiser person. Today I am grateful to be living the American Dream and I know full well that God has been very patient with me and has given me many more second chances then I deserve. So over time, I hope that I can share with you a little of myself through this blog that may make your day a little brighter!
Something to think about...
Intellegence is the quickness to admit you don't know and the insatiable desire to find out what you don't know. Ignorance is not knowing that you don't know, being unwilling to be teachable, and then being steadfast stubborn in defending what you think know although everyone knows you really don't know!--Famous Dave Anderson
Dear Dave.
I provide funding as well as business opportunities to the Indian and non-indian community. We just provided $74 million for the coyote valley tribe of N. California to expand their cassino operations. I came across your name in the Native American Journal. I enjoyed the article about you very much. I would like to share some ideas with you on how I could benefit you. I may be reached at 918-706-5459. Sincerely, Chuck Campbell
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